Food & Business
Business is done at the table


At the table are created excellent opportunities to sign agreements, consolidate business relationships, conclude negotiations.
The informal environment of a restaurant compared to a meeting room or an office room, has a relaxed atmosphere, greater physical proximity, good food and good wine; facilitators of human and professional relationships.
Food is one of the most effective natural social glues.
In the world of business, the art of doing business at the table is well established, in Chinese culture, the table of a restaurant is almost always the base of support to sign the most important contracts or agreements.
The Americans, less formal, make the table, breakfast, lunch or dinner, the focal point of relationships.
There are several social networks that connect people potentially interested in building business, for meetings during the lunch break.
Every culture considers the meeting at the table an important occasion.
The organization and management of a Table Business, must be planned and careful, so that it is the perfect success of a professional success.
Ciao Italia creates all the prerequisites for a perfect Table Business, with specially prepared spaces in restaurants suitable for meetings.
If required, Ciao Italia will be present with Managers, Interpreters or others.